Free Local Delivery

Phillip & Lea is offering free delivery to our local area. Phillip & Lea will be undertaking the delivery of the order.

Free delivery is offered to delivery addresses 10kms from Melbourne CBD every Wednesday. The applicable post codes can be found here  – set the ‘Radius’ field to 10kms and select ‘Calculate Results’.

Minimum order is $100.00.

Free local delivery will automatically appear as a a Shipping Method (as Local Delivery) if the above criteria is met.

Orders for free local delivery can also be processed over the phone by calling either 03 9417 0752 (Fitzroy Store) or 03 9011 8433 (Online Store).

If the door and phone is un-answered, we will leave items in a safe place out of the weather. We will text you the details. If we can’t find a safe place out of the weather, we will contact you to organise a re-delivery.